Isabel Justiniano - Author
Human Dimensions of Wildlife Science M.S degree, Oregon State University
Isabel's master's thesis focused on cultural beliefs and outdoor recreation experiences of Latinx/o/a people. Growing up, she would participate in lots of outdoor celebrations and other family activities. Through her university education, she learned more about conservation, environmental stewardship, and the variety of available outdoor recreation opportunities that she could share with her family. These experiences and her education inspired her to work with Latinx/o/a community members living in the Willamette Valley through environmental education, recreation, and outreach. Seeing Latinx/o/a families enjoying new outdoor recreation opportunities for the first time is the most fulfilling part of what she does! Co-writing Nuestra Casa has been one of her favorite ways to bring all her passions for inclusivity in recreation and environmental education together! Now that she’s completed her graduate program, she hopes to continue working with Latinx/o/a families to continue bringing together cultural traditions into outdoor recreation.
Dr. Tiffany Garcia - Author
Professor, Oregon State University
Tiffany is a freshwater ecologist, professor, and mother of two young herpetologists. She grew up in the forests of northern California, and chasing Roughskin newts (who are very slow) and imitating Pacific chorus frogs (who jump very high) was my favorite pastime. Tiffany’s parents hoped she would become an accountant or lawyer, but she followed her own path and became a biologist. Studying frogs, salamanders, and all the animals they interact with is important because amphibians are having a hard time in today’s climate. We need to conserve these amazing animals. Please share the information you learn in this book with your friends and family. Together, we can make the world a better place.
Christopher Cousins - Author
Wildlife Science PhD Student, Oregon State University
Christopher is a first-generation PhD student studying wildlife science at the department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences at Oregon State University. Christopher spent his youth moving around as part of US Navy family, living in San Diego, Japan, and Iceland, before coming back to the USA after graduating high school. Christopher’s profound love for nature comes from his background and experiences: listening to his mother and grandfather talking about the natural splendor of the Yucatan; visiting the San Diego Zoo in his early years; growing up in rural and coastal Japan surrounded by wildlife; and discovering the amphibians in the lush forests of the Pacific Northwest as a young adult.
The first PhD student in both his American and Mexican sides of the family, Christopher is committed to using his extraordinary opportunity to both conduct research that will benefit the ecosystems that have, and continue to ground him and provide him with childlike wonder; and to find ways to increase education and outdoor recreation to underserved communities.
Jordan Eaton - Illustrator
Wildlife Science B.S. degree, Oregon State University
From a young age Jordan knew she wanted to work with frogs and salamanders. While other girls were playing with dolls I was out catching Pacific chorus frogs in the fields and streams next to my house. As she got older, her passion for these animals only grew as she learned that their homes were disappearing and being polluted. So she went to college to learn about how to protect the slimy friends she made as a child. Her hope is to use the information gathered at Oregon State to not only help amphibians but to share with others important role they play in our ecosystems.
Jessica Li - Author
Chemistry Undergraduate Student, Oregon State University
Jessica Li is starting dental school at OHSU this summer! Her hope to becoming a general dentist and advocate for improved access to dental care for underserved communities. She would also like to continue teaching, perhaps working as a professor in dentistry someday. And with her Writing minor, it is a dream come to become a published author!